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Service of Alcohol to Minor

We represented the Estate of an 18-year old  who became intoxicated at a fraternity party and was killed while  trying to cross Whitney Avenue in Hamden, Connecticut.

A  fraternity at Quinnipiac University hosted a party one evening at which  kegs of beer and “jungle juice” were served. No one hosting the party  made any efforts to keep underage drinkers from attending, or to check  IDs or the ages of the guests. Our 18-year old client drank alcoholic  beverages and became intoxicated. When our client left the party, he  attempted to cross Whitney Avenue, a busy four-lane road. He was struck  and killed near the middle of the road by a driver who had failed to  notice that our client had already crossed two lanes of the highway.

We  were able to obtain the policy limits of $300,000 from the driver who  struck our client, and settled with the fraternity and most of the  individuals who held the party for $950,000.

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